It's old news by now, but we were snowed on - a lot. After 20+ inches canceled anything with the possibility of being canceled (including RB's overnight call responsibility) we were able to dig out all of the sledding gear for some fun on one of Columbus' few hills.
Calvin was so excited he put on his gear (including hat and gloves) about 45 minutes before we were actually ready to get out the door.

Calvin was so excited he put on his gear (including hat and gloves) about 45 minutes before we were actually ready to get out the door.

A few weeks ago RB had taken Calvin out sledding for what turned out to be a real coming-of-age experience. Calvin had been telling RB that he didn't want to go all the way up to the top of the hill because he was "too scared." Something clicked in his little mind when RB coerced him to give it a try - and when he came back in the house afterwards he proudly proclaimed, "Mommy! I turned into a brave boy! I can go all the way to the top!"
This time around, despite a bigger hill, Calvin never hesitated. He wanted to be treated as an equal with everyone else, as shown by this exchange with our friend Scott Rowley who was trying to ensure the safety of the jump we had just created:
Calvin (to Scott, sitting on his tube): "I want to go."
Scott: "OK Calvin, I'm just going to make sure it's safe to sled down first."
Calvin: "But I want to go."
Scott: "Do you want to go next?"
Calvin: "No, it's my turn."
Scott: "How about we go together?"
Calvin: "But you just had a turn."
It's impossible to reason with a "brave" three year old boy.
Calvin did have one pretty impressive wipeout, after which we ran over to make sure he was ok. He jumped up in the snow and yelled, "Dad, I just wrecked like the monster trucks!" He and his Dad managed to take at least a couple more tumbles together as well.

Noah and I were perfectly content to view most of the freezing fun from the car - maybe next year.
This time around, despite a bigger hill, Calvin never hesitated. He wanted to be treated as an equal with everyone else, as shown by this exchange with our friend Scott Rowley who was trying to ensure the safety of the jump we had just created:
Calvin (to Scott, sitting on his tube): "I want to go."
Scott: "OK Calvin, I'm just going to make sure it's safe to sled down first."
Calvin: "But I want to go."
Scott: "Do you want to go next?"
Calvin: "No, it's my turn."
Scott: "How about we go together?"
Calvin: "But you just had a turn."
It's impossible to reason with a "brave" three year old boy.
Calvin did have one pretty impressive wipeout, after which we ran over to make sure he was ok. He jumped up in the snow and yelled, "Dad, I just wrecked like the monster trucks!" He and his Dad managed to take at least a couple more tumbles together as well.