After the boys had completely worn themselves out trick-or-treating (tiring, yet rewarding work for little boys), we thought that bedtime - for once - would be easy.
- Removed the face paint and costumes
- Dished out allotted candy ration for night
- Hid the rest of the candy
- Brushed teeth
- Pajamas on
- In bed, lights out
- Started a movie with hopes of few interruptions
Hours later, after not having heard anything throughout the movie, RB went to check in on the boys. Noah was shirtless, as always, but asleep. Calvin, on the other hand, was fully awake, sitting up in bed.
RB: Calvin, it's so late, what are you doing still awake?
Calvin: Not eating that candy (pointing to a round object covered by his blanket).
RB then uncovered the once full trick-or-treating bag of candy and noticed the chocolate covered fingers, mouth, and sheets of our little boy. He then asked where all the wrappers were and Calvin slyly pointed under his bed.
I'm a little concerned about what's going to happen when he's smart enough not to give himself away. He's sneakier than we thought. Not to mention this behavior was once again reinforced due to RB's inability to refrain from laughing at this sequence of events. And for those keeping track, this isn't the first time Calvin has been busted in bed with chocolate.
Since none of our Missouri pumpkins made the trip back to Ohio, we paid another visit to a pumpkin patch. Luckily, this process never grows old to Calvin.
Our dear friend Alex and his girlfriend, Meghan, came down for the weekend to join in the festivities (Calvin loves Alex, "even if his favorite team is the cubs"). They both proved to be valuable pumpkin picking advisers and very talented carvers as well.
Halloween night was, of course, one of the best nights ever for our two little sweet-toothed boys. Up until a few weeks ago, I was a little concerned about the costumes that Calvin was requesting. He seemed dead set on being Optimus Prime.
Granted, it would probably be a big improvement in the "cool" factor from last year's Halloween, but a little daunting for a mommy who is in charge of making the actual costumes.
So when Calvin announced after watching "Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin" that he would like to be a ghost, I piled the boys in the car and took them to pick out their white sheets before they had a chance to change their minds... luckily Noah is content to do anything like Calvin for the moment.
So here are our little ghosts. Unfortunately, the pictures didn't turn out that great as the boys had very little patience for smiling before the trick-or-treating.
I wish you all could have seen the boys' faces as they walked from door to door collecting their precious candy. I guarantee it would have put a smile on your face as well.