This last month was a bit of crazy one. It started off on a high note- Calvin losing not only one, but two teeth in the same week. The tooth-fairy did not disappoint, apparently there's been some major inflation in the value of teeth since my days, and Calvin was ecstatic to add to the growing contents of his buckeye piggy bank.
Things took a turn for the worse after that, as RB came home from being on-call one night to find Calvin crying in bed unable to move his neck. After a CAT scan in the ER, RB's suspicions were confirmed that Calvin had an abscess formed deep in his throat from a strep infection and was on the verge of having his breathing obstructed. He was then admitted and ended up staying in the hospital for six days, having surgery to drain the retropharyngeal abscess.

It definitely was scary for a little while there, but Calvin remained happy and very brave the entire time. Oma and Uncles Louie, Sidney, and Will flew in and really were an amazing help. The hospital placed a Wii in Calvin's room and with that and lots of visitors, he managed to tough it out.

Calvin is now off all antibiotics and has the mischievous gleam back in his eyes. It is a helpless feeling to see your little boy so sick and we are very grateful for the wonderful care that was given to him in the hospital and by family and friends.