In case anyone[else] is worried about our lack of Noah posts, I assure you that this little boy is in no way overlooked. While he has added a few additions to his vocabulary, he still communicates mainly through gestures and looks, and these just don't translate to blog posts.
His latest accomplishments include shoving an entire banana into his mouth, holding five monster trucks in his little chubby hands at the same time, finally throwing a ball up onto the top bunk, and hiding everything that is dear to RB- car keys, xbox controller, and the tv remote.
Here are just a few of his looks- see if you can translate...

He is darling Carolee, and I love his looks. So funny he hides things from Calvin!
Those are the cutest pictures of Noah, Carolee! It just makes you want to squeeze him! It kills me what the little brothers do. Even though Will is still quite a bit smaller, he gets so excited when he gets his little hands on one of Owen's toys. There's sheer joy on his face!
He has the cutest big belly, I love it. Love the pictures, he is cute.
Hey, thats funny he hides things from his brother.. Tati just hides our stuff :) your boys are cute!
What a cutie. The things little boys do!!! If you ever need a pit stop in Chattanooga on your way to Florida PLEASE let me know!
I love noah! He is so adorable. However, you forgot to mention is best form of communication -- screaching! It's one of my favorite things about him. He's got it all figured out how to get a little attention. :)
Ah, nice to see I pressed a button. But ironically, this token post as well as all future perfunctory mentions of his accomplishments will probably just end up being fodder for future counseling sessions. You may have been better off continuing to pretend the problem doesn't exist (it's hard to pretend Pandora's box doesn't exist once you've opened it).
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