Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Scarred for life

Noah told us that this year, he just wanted a really low key party to celebrate his second birthday. Uncle Joe was in town and we decided that could cover the guest list.

Noah and Calvin were in charge of decorating the cake and candle placement.

All was well until we got to the lighting candles part. I turned my head for a split second (to blow out the match) and gave Noah just enough time to touch one of the candles.

It was the saddest thing ever to see Noah go from super excited about his cake to completely afraid of it. He howled "hot, hot" through his entire birthday song.
As soon as the flaming torches of death were extinguished and removed, he somehow mustered up enough courage to eat.

And with a little encouragement from "uncky doe" he was back to himself in no time. (Although we were at a friend's birthday party last week and Noah got concerned when he saw the burning candles...)

*** Joe and Noah had a special moment at the pool while the boys were alternating jumping in off the side into their uncle's outstretched arms. Noah decided it would only be fair to give Joe's cell phone and keys - quietly resting on the pool chair - a turn. In an act of surprising agility Joe somehow managed to simultaneously catch, and keep dry, both items - and the chubby little two year old tumbling after. ***

Now that he's two...

he decided that it was time to upgrade from his push scooter to an actual tricycle.

Calvin and Noah are very proud of their big boy bikes.

Uncle Joe trying to show Calvin how to push his bike up from the grass and back onto the path after he had decided to test out the off-roading abilities.


Kristin said...

Poor little guy, that's a hard way to celebrate. Glad to hear he still at the cake.

Valerie said...

Happy Birthday to Noah!! Oh my gosh, Carolee, he is the cutest little guy! I love his little smile with his Uncle Joe. Now that the two have bikes, I bet you'll really be hoppin' :)

Dehner Family said...

Cute pictures... How do you upload them so big? How sad about his finger - you'll always remember he did that with the picture of the big tear running down his cheek while he's eating his cake. Happy birthday to Noah!

Laurie said...

Noah is such a cutie. Love the cheeks and tear. Of course he'd recover enough to eat cake--he's the one that loves food, right?

Have fun on the bikes. What a beautiful path you have nearby.

Lacey Evanson Stewart said...

They are huge! I cannot believe how big your boys keep getting! I really cannot wait to see you all again! That is sad about Noah! Conner had a similar scary moment. My mom had a fan on in the kitchen, and the boys ran up the stairs ahead of me, like always. By the time I reached the top step, Conner had stream lined it to the fan and stuck his middle finger in, and was now screaming. Luckily it is a newer fan with plastic blades, and so there were only 2 purple marks on the finger, but still scary! Anyways, we miss you, and thanks for the encouragement on running, I could not have had the guts to do it with out you.


Anonymous said...

I decorated my last cake just like that. Proof that your sons are artistic geniuses!

Cindy said...

Such cute pics care! It is so beautiful and green there, it makes me miss the east coast. Glad Noah had a good bday other than cake of fire!

shlopp said...

mmm.... cake...

Michael & Ashley said...

Following one of my unpredictable, semi-frequent, and futile anxiety attacks that involve wondering whether I will be able to feed my family after my bar results come back in November, I stopped by your blog to make myself feel better by looking at pics of RB with his shirt off. I'm feeling better. Thanks.